El Presidente Peña Nieto comes to La Cruz!

El Presidente Peña Nieto comes to La Cruz!

 Feb 13th, La Cruz, Punta de Mita, Riviera Nayarit Mexico. It started with the sudden appearance of teams of Nayarit workers descending on the pueblo; shovels, snippers, machetes, brooms and garbage bags in hand, not to mention the VERY rare appearance of a...
Mexican Riviera Travel Information

Mexican Riviera Travel Information

Time Zone Puerto Vallarta is on Central Standard Time and changes to Daylight Savings Time each year along with the United States. When it is 9.00 a.m. in Puerto Vallarta, it is 7:00 a.m. in Los Angeles (Pacific Time) and 10:00 a.m. in New York (Eastern Time.)...